Rules For A Perfect Wardrobe: The Seven Things You Must Not Forget
Having a functional and satisfying wardrobe is the hidden dream of every one of us and it is unlikely that we will be able to achieve it by compulsive shopping, on the contrary.
Having a perfect wardrobe (clothes and accessories) is really a matter of applying certain rules. We should, above all, have a few clear basic points of reference, which allow us to find our way through the many options that today's fashion offers us, and follow a line that suits us best.
The Seven Rules To Achieve A Perfect Wardrobe
1. The art of selection must be learned - Fill your wardrobe only with pieces you love and wear, leave out the rest. It is a waste of space and probably time.
2. Style comes first - Fashion changes but style remains. It's one of the greatest aphorisms left by the famous fashion icon "Coco" Chanel, and it's known to be true. Don't be blinded by passing fashions but use them to develop your personal style.
3. Quality over quantity - Quality clothes cost more, it's true, but they also last longer. It is much better in terms of performance, comfort and appearance. Choosing quality over quantity has a boomerang effect.
4. Never forget comfort - Maybe high heeled, parade shoes are beautiful, and they make tube-like skirts that don't allow you to walk look really pretty. Maybe. But only in front of the mirror: the effort put into walking down the street, usually on a potholed sidewalk, is likely to make us ridiculous. And this is not what we want.
5. Different clothes for different occasions - We always want to look good for every occasion. Even though today's etiquette is far from perfect, we can't go anywhere in a pair of jeans; but that doesn't mean we have to go out dressed to parade when the context is informal either.
6. Promote versatile clothing - so called basics that go with everything, in neutral colours that match each other magnificently, inter-seasonal pieces: these should be the starting point of your wardrobe. There's always time to add a quirky dress that you'll wear once in a lifetime.
7. Evolution is better than revolution - If you don't want to spend a fortune, or look like someone who only has clothes in her head, it's better to favour a slow evolution of your style and therefore your wardrobe, rather than a revolution. When buying new clothes, always start from what you already have in your wardrobe.