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Interesting Facts

Words Of Wisdom. Mahatma Gandhi: "My life is my message" - DSF Antique Jewelry

Words Of Wisdom. Mahatma Gandhi: "My life is my message"

Words Of Wisdom. Mahatma Gandhi: "My life is my message" - DSF Antique Jewelry

Words Of Wisdom. Mahatma Gandhi: "My life is my message"

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the few personalities who does not need a long introduction. Everyone has probably heard about the man who freed India from British colonialism in 1947, using only peacefu...

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Ancient Wisdom: A Short Story About The Power Of Silence - DSF Antique Jewelry

Ancient Wisdom: A Short Story About The Power Of Silence

Once upon a time, there was a young monk who was always joking and having fun, but whose mind was not focused on spiritual cultivation. An old monk saw all this but was in no hurry to criticize hi...

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The Lotus Story Inspiring Wisdom - DSF Antique Jewelry
Ancient Wisdom

The Lotus Story Inspiring Wisdom

In a beautiful and remote land, where silence sounds like the most magical music and the air is sweeter than honey, there lies a Magic Lake. On the azure surface of the water, on thin but strong s...

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Socrates and The Story of The Young Man Who Sought Wisdom - DSF Antique Jewelry
Ancient Wisdom

Socrates and The Story of The Young Man Who Sought Wisdom

There is a story about a brave young man who sought Socrates with the desire to become a scholar. He turned to the great Greek philosopher and said, "Oh, illustrious Socrates, I come to you to gain...

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