Tricks To Save Money - The Ultimate Guide
Whether you want to save money for a specific purpose or for "rainy days", below are some tricks that will teach you how to do it. Check out the ultimate guide!
Tricks To Save Money On Shopping
You can save significant amounts of money if you buy exactly what you need when you go shopping:
1. Make shopping lists and take them with you when you go shopping.
That way you'll know exactly what to buy and what you really need, and you won't be throwing money around on little unnecessary things.
2. If you go to the supermarket, don't overfill your shopping cart and ideally choose the small one instead of the big one.
3. Start shopping in the middle of the store.
At the entrance, you will come across colorful products that will create a good mood and inspire you to buy more, so it is advisable to start shopping in the middle of the store.
4. Shops deliberately play slow music to encourage their customers to move more easily through the shelves or advertise lots of offers on products you may not need but are attracted to. So put your own playlist in your headphones and you'll avoid temptation.
5. Check promotions.
Promotions are designed to increase sales of a product. It's quite possible that some promotions will increase the price of products! Always check if these "discounts" are real and really worth taking advantage of.
Promotions such as "3 products for the price of two" or "buy two and pay only one" are not always advantageous. Before you buy two or more products just because they're on sale you should ask yourself if you really need all those items.
6. Do a little math before you buy stuff.
Some products may be cheaper "by the piece" than in large packages, such as vegetables and fruit. Plus, you'll be able to "test" each one before you buy. Check prices and do some math to see if you're making the right choice.
7. Ask for discounts on products that are close to expiry.
Employees may agree to lower prices on products that expire in a day or two.
8. Buy clothes for the next season.
Summer clothes are always on sale in winter and vice versa. Most of the time, we get caught up in the brand illusion and forget about the quality of the product. Before you buy a very expensive coat from a designer store, you could also look for alternatives.
9. Use discount cards or coupons.
There are a number of supermarkets, pharmacies, and other shops that offer a range of discounts if you have a loyalty card.
10. Keep a list for 30 days.
If you feel an urge to buy something you don't absolutely need, write that thing down on your 30-day waiting list. Buy only the things you absolutely need - put the rest on the list.
When the 30 days are up, you can buy it if that burning desire to buy hasn't gone away, but this is a way to assess the situation rationally and save money.
Tricks To Save Money At Home
1. Don't fall behind on bills.
When dealing with paying bills (online is best since you also save time), make sure that the first bills paid are utility bills.
If you don't do this and want to pay them towards the end of the month, you may run out of money and keep putting them off. By paying on time, you'll avoid penalties and reduce your expenses.
2. Avoid eating out often and cook at home.
If you cook at home, your food will last for several days. And if this advantage isn't enough, the fact that you can use certain foods that are to your liking or that are healthier, you'll certainly be convinced that it's worth trying this option too.
3. Cut down on hot water consumption.
Install a lower-flow showerhead. It's an easy way to use 25%-60% less water in the shower, which means you save money.
Cut the cost of heating water - which is about 15% of a normal heating bill - by washing clothes only with cold water, insulating the boiler, and lowering the temperature to 40 degrees. In addition, install a device that turns off the heat at night or when you leave home.
Turn off the tap. It's a habit we all have of leaving the faucet on while brushing our teeth, washing dishes, etc. Turning off the faucet during these activities and only turning it on when needed will greatly reduce your water bill.
4. Insulate your home.
Uninsulated homes lose heat and at the same time energy and money.
Keep windows and doors closed, especially when using your air conditioner or heater.
5. Disconnect the devices.
There are devices that you don't use, so it's best to unplug them. Even switched off, some appliances consume energy if they are plugged in.
Buy energy-efficient devices. They may be a little more expensive, but they will save energy, which means bigger savings.
6. Repair things that break down.
It's much cheaper for you and the environment to fix things when they break than to throw them away and buy new ones.
7. Do sport at home.
Taking care of your health is the best way to avoid big doctor bills later. But you can opt to work out at home. You can save a lot of money by running in the park or in the area where you live, buying some weights or other items for such activities.
8. Opt for natural cosmetics.
There's no need to buy lots of moisturizers, masks, and conditioners. Turn to natural beauty masks. They don't contain toxins, don't pollute, and are much cheaper.
9. Borrow and lend.
We're not talking about borrowing money, but products. Give books, clothes, and toys you no longer need to friends and family. And you will get more in return.
If you need something, first check if someone you know has it. Chances are good that they will lend it to you.
10. Turn to "Operation Barter".
It's a lost art, but there are still people willing to receive your goods or services instead of money, especially if they are friends or at least acquaintances. You'll be surprised to see that you'll save money.
11. Make simple gifts.
Giving gifts is one of the nicest habits because it shows generosity and commitment. Until it becomes commercial and expensive. Instead, try to make gifts out of things you make or at least wrap yourself.
12 Give up expensive habits (such as smoking, for example).
13 Teach your children about advertising, saving, earning, and gift-giving.
Having children and educating them about money will help you save in the long run. If they learn how ads influence through all sorts of tricks, they'll be less likely to ask (beg or plead) for the latest toy releases.
If little ones learn about saving and earning money, they will respect the money you earn as well as the money you want to save.
That's how they'll learn about gifts that don't have to involve spending a lot of money and they won't necessarily want expensive things.
14. Don't just use the car to drive your children to school.
Years ago, almost all children walked or cycled to school. Now, fewer and fewer children do, and often it's the parents who drive them to school/college.
Allowing children to walk to school will save both fuel and wear and tear on the car, and your children will be healthier and more independent. Younger children can walk to school if the school is not so far away.
15. Enrol your children in kindergarten.
Money can also be saved if you take your child to kindergarten and skip the babysitter. However, if you are more confident in a childminder, "sharing" the same childminder with several families can be an acceptable solution.
16. Grow vegetables at home.
Cherry tomatoes, lettuce, parsley, dill, onion, garlic, and basil, are the most suitable foods you can pot up at home. The possibilities for growing vegetables are even greater if you have a backyard.
17. Use cash more often.
Instead of using credit or debit cards every day, use cash for expenses such as restaurant dinners, gas, and everyday groceries. Spending cash will give you a sense of reality, plus the advantage of knowing when you've run out of money, instead of spending more than you have.
We live in times that increasingly demand our imagination and value system when it comes to personal finances, so implementing money-saving tricks becomes a must.
These are some of the tricks we recommend if you want to save money. We hope you found some of them useful!