Which Hand To Wear The Watch On: Tips And Recommendations
The watch is a highly appreciated accessory because it combines aesthetics with functionality in an attractive and useful way.
If you like to wear such an item, you may have wondered where to wear the watch or why it is said to be worn on a certain hand.
Here's some hopefully useful information!
The watch - History and tradition
Which hand is the watch worn on? As a rule, the left hand is the one recommended to wear the watch correctly, both for women and men.
However, this has its roots in history, dating back to the early 20th century. Originally, men wore pocket watches, and watches were generally worn on the wrist by women.
Gradually, however, modern watches began to be worn on the wrist by both men and women, mainly because pocket watches were bulkier and required a pocket (usually made of leather) for safe storage.
So watches became more compact and easier to wear, thanks to this modern design that allowed them to be carried by hand.
On which hand is the watch worn to be the right one? The left hand was also chosen for safety reasons. Most people were right-handed and, to avoid bumping or damaging the watch, it was worn on the non-dominant hand for protection.
However, the watch was also worn on the right hand for the wearer's comfort.
Which Hand
Of course, both ladies and gentlemen can wear this accessory on whichever hand they wish.
However, in general, the hand on which the watch is worn is left-handed, but more and more brands are creating ladies' watches or customized men's watches, which have designs specially created for right-handed and left-handed people.
There are, however, a few tips you can keep in mind when it comes to the subject of which hand to wear your watch on.
First, the dominant hand is much more used than the other, and therefore wearing the watch on the non-dominant hand can positively contribute to its durability. Therefore, the watch will have a longer life if it is kept on the less active hand.
Comfort is also important when it comes to which hand women wear the watch, but the same thing goes for men - the dominant hand needs more freedom of action, especially if the activities you perform require it.
It is important that when choosing which hand to wear the watch on, it does not inconvenience you in any way, regardless of the actions you have to do in your daily life. This is true for adults as well as for young children when wearing children's watches.
If you like to wear different jewelry, you should also take this into account when deciding on which hand to wear the watch bracelet and other accessories.
Maybe you prefer to wear the bracelet on the dominant hand and the watch on the non-dominant hand, or maybe you like the other one better.
Some bracelets can be worn on whichever hand you wear the watch on - but it all depends on the design you choose. Make sure you choose the most aesthetically harmonious option!
In conclusion, the answer to the question of which hand the watch is kept is the following: it is generally worn on the left hand, but this is not a rule. It is recommended to wear it on the hand you use less often (i.e. the one that is not dominant), to avoid its rapid deterioration.
However, keep in mind, first of all, your comfort and aesthetic preferences. That way, you will find the best option for you and you will be satisfied with the one you choose.