"Real. Rare. Responsible" – A New Campaign by Natural Diamond Council
The campaign, which will debut in late summer and feature hero films as well as a variety of video and image assets, will take viewers on a discovery trip with James through the Northwest Territories (NWT) of Canada, the third-largest diamond-producing region in the world.
Real. Rare. Responsible
David Kellie, NDC’s CEO, said that for this new campaign, it was important to capture natural diamonds in their natural element, adding that Canada plays an integral role within the natural diamond industry.
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“While people tend to more commonly associate countries in southern Africa as leading natural diamond producers, Canada is also vital. It’s paramount we share the incredible conservation efforts taking place in the NWT with consumers,” Kellie said.
According to Kellie, the natural diamond industry is one of the most highly regulated and responsible mining industries in the world, adding that people can trust that wherever their natural diamond is from, “land, wildlife, and local and indigenous communities are a top priority.”
The journey included stops at the remote De Beers Canada/Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine site, Rio Tinto's Yellowknife splitting facility, and Diamonds de Canada, the only company that produces Polar Bear Diamonds, according to southernjewelrynews.com.
The goal was to learn how these companies maintain the entire supply chain in-house to benefit their local communities, from natural diamond mining to cutting and polishing.
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Lily James' Unforgettable Experience
Actress Lily James said that visiting the stunning Northwest Territories of Canada with the Natural Diamond Council was an experience she will never forget.
While exploring the area, she witnessed firsthand how responsible practices aren’t just a choice but a deep heartfelt commitment across the natural diamond industry.
“We were lucky enough to attend a cultural experience with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. It was amazing to learn about how, through employment and other benefits provided by the natural diamond industry, their traditional way of life is directly benefited.
We met some of the incredible women at the helm of the mining operations and educators working to shape the future generations. Everywhere I looked while in the Northwest Territories of Canada, I was reminded that natural diamonds are truly real, rare, and responsible,” James added.
The NDC's international retail partners, which include top diamond jewelry shops in Asia and upscale independent US retailers, will boost the promotion of the new "Real. Rare. Responsible" campaign.