
Spectacular Treasure Discovered: It Was Hidden Under Waters For Centuries
Divers with Allen Exploration company have revealed new treasures from a legendary 17th-century shipwreck hidden beneath the Bahamas' shark-infested waters for 350 years.The Spanish galleon na...
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The Most Valuable Treasure Of All Times Revealed To The World
The treasures of the legendary San Jose galleon shipwreck have been revealed. A vehicle operated remotely by Colombian naval officials dove almost 3,100 feet to film the wreck and show to the world...
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Honesty Gets Rewarded: What Happened To The Mont Blanc Treasure
Honesty gets rewarded: Mountaineer receives half of the treasure he discovered and handed over to the authorities instead of keeping it.A treasure trove of emeralds, rubies, and sapphires buried ...
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The Underwater Treasure That is Worth More Than 1,000 Trillion Dollars
On the bottom of the oceans lies an enormous undiscovered treasure that is worth more than 1,000 trillion dollars.As early as 1872, the British chemist Edward Sonstadt discovered that there was an...
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