The Most Valuable Treasure Of All Times Revealed To The World
The treasures of the legendary San Jose galleon shipwreck have been revealed. A vehicle operated remotely by Colombian naval officials dove almost 3,100 feet to film the wreck and show to the world the fabulous treasures.
The "unprecedented" underwater images have a level of precision that's never been seen before and show cannons, porcelain crockery, and gold pieces that have been preserved deep in the Caribbean Sea for 300 years.
The treasures on the San Jose galleon are said to be worth billions of dollars. It is one of the most valuable treasures ever found on the bottom of the sea.
A remotely operated underwater vehicle descended to about 1,000 meters on the ocean floor to film the wreck of the ship that sank in 1708, according to the Daily Mail.
San Jose's Lost Treasure - The Most Valuable In The World
San Jose was a Spanish galleon that sank on its voyage to Panama near Colombia's Caribbean port of Cartagena. The ship was returning from the New World to the court of King Philip V of Spain and was carrying at least 200 tons of gold, silver, and emeralds.
Loaded with this enormous treasure it encountered a British squadron near Barú. This led to a deadly battle during which the ship San Jose sunk, reaching a depth of about 950 meters on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Wreck And The Treasures Untouched By Man
Operators that filmed that wreck found the galleon untouched by "human intervention". The filmed images show some of the ship's treasures, including gold bars and gold coins, cannons made in Seville in 1655, and an intact Chinese porcelain service. Marine archaeologists and government officials are working to determine the origin of the things based on the inscriptions.
The ship has earned a reputation as the "Holy Grail" of wreckage in history, carrying one of the most valuable treasures of all time, which experts say is now worth about $17 billion.
Columbia's president said: "Thanks to the technological equipment and the Colombian navy's work, we managed to capture images with a level of precision that's never been seen before. The idea is to recover it and to have sustainable financing mechanisms for future extractions. In this way, we protect the treasure, the patrimony of the San Jose galleon."
He also mentioned the wreck was "kept intact and protected with a view towards a future retrieval".
Many Other Treasures May Still Lay Hidden On The Bottom Of The Ocean
San Jose allegedly is one of more than 1,000 galleons and merchant ships that sank along the coral reefs of Columbia during the three centuries of colonialism.
In the early 1980s, the American rescue company Sea Search Armada (SSA) and the Colombian authorities partnered in their quest for the shipwreck and agreed to share the treasure. In 1981, the SSA said it had located the area where the famous galleon sank.
The Colombian government later changed the agreement, stating that the entire cargo belongs exclusively to Colombia, which led to a lawsuit with the SSA. In 2011, a U.S. court ruled that the ship, then undiscovered, was owned by Colombia.
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The "unprecedented" underwater images have a level of precision that's never been seen before and show cannons, porcelain crockery, and gold pieces that have been preserved deep in the Caribbean Sea for 300 years.
The treasures on the San Jose galleon are said to be worth billions of dollars. It is one of the most valuable treasures ever found on the bottom of the sea.
A remotely operated underwater vehicle descended to about 1,000 meters on the ocean floor to film the wreck of the ship that sank in 1708, according to the Daily Mail.
San Jose's Lost Treasure - The Most Valuable In The World
San Jose was a Spanish galleon that sank on its voyage to Panama near Colombia's Caribbean port of Cartagena. The ship was returning from the New World to the court of King Philip V of Spain and was carrying at least 200 tons of gold, silver, and emeralds.
Loaded with this enormous treasure it encountered a British squadron near Barú. This led to a deadly battle during which the ship San Jose sunk, reaching a depth of about 950 meters on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Wreck And The Treasures Untouched By Man
Operators that filmed that wreck found the galleon untouched by "human intervention". The filmed images show some of the ship's treasures, including gold bars and gold coins, cannons made in Seville in 1655, and an intact Chinese porcelain service. Marine archaeologists and government officials are working to determine the origin of the things based on the inscriptions.
The ship has earned a reputation as the "Holy Grail" of wreckage in history, carrying one of the most valuable treasures of all time, which experts say is now worth about $17 billion.
Columbia's president said: "Thanks to the technological equipment and the Colombian navy's work, we managed to capture images with a level of precision that's never been seen before. The idea is to recover it and to have sustainable financing mechanisms for future extractions. In this way, we protect the treasure, the patrimony of the San Jose galleon."
He also mentioned the wreck was "kept intact and protected with a view towards a future retrieval".
Many Other Treasures May Still Lay Hidden On The Bottom Of The Ocean
San Jose allegedly is one of more than 1,000 galleons and merchant ships that sank along the coral reefs of Columbia during the three centuries of colonialism.
In the early 1980s, the American rescue company Sea Search Armada (SSA) and the Colombian authorities partnered in their quest for the shipwreck and agreed to share the treasure. In 1981, the SSA said it had located the area where the famous galleon sank.
The Colombian government later changed the agreement, stating that the entire cargo belongs exclusively to Colombia, which led to a lawsuit with the SSA. In 2011, a U.S. court ruled that the ship, then undiscovered, was owned by Colombia.