Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts: Did You Know Your Hair Can Contain Gold?
Did you know that your hair can contain... gold? Sound incredible, right? But scientists have confirmed that it's not some fairytale.In financial crises and all sorts of economically complicated t...
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Amazing Facts: The World's Oldest Chocolate Was Made 5,300 Years Ago
The love affair between man and chocolate has even more ancient origins than previously thought. It turns out that the world's oldest chocolate was made 5,300 years agoAn international team of res...
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Artist Submerged A Dress In The Dead Sea For Two Years. The Result Is Amazing
Want to see something truly magical? Check out this incredible dress that was submerged in the Dead Sea for two years.Have you ever imagined what can happen if clothes stay for years at the bottom...
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Fascinating And Amazing Facts About Our Bodies
What do we really know about our bodies? Here's a seemingly simple question that has fascinated many illustrious scientists and eminent doctors throughout history. We have decided to introduce you...
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